Tuesday 5 March 2013

Monkee Mee

A little-self portrait in my preferred material and construction choices. January 2013.

The body form is taken from my earlier works 'Paint-Ghost' (or Skull-Ghost). 2010/11



Thursday 27 September 2012

The Munny

In the past few weeks i had been working on my Kidrobot Munny, one thats been sitting around for the past few years. It shouldn't have taken that long at all!

But after a hell load of cutting and dry testing its ready to be pieced together. And why not capture the coming together of this (well, one arm) ?

I filmed this in order to show the amount of pieces and gluing is needed for something seemingly simple. Its also a good opportunity for myself to learn about how i work; as well as learn some basic editing skills on Final Cut Pro (i originally started on Premier Pro). 

So far i unexpectedly learned a bit about setting the scene, camera stand, and how difficult it is using an ordinary hand held camera! I am also much more aware of how natural lighting and the normal room lighting of my space affects footage and mood; for the footage and my own working mood!

Ok, after nights of filming and gluing... one arm down! D: one more to go and the head turret to add before some pics...

Monday 23 July 2012

[ AA-LRM ! ] No.1

Art Attack Loo Roll Moment ! : No.1

REMEMBER when you younger, and there were those creative programs or arty sections on television? Growing up in england i watched Art Attack and Blue Peter, where they show children how to make [ cool ] things out of packaging boxxes and such.

[ I always knew i can do what they did. Well, whenever i tried saving a loo roll or two, the mother threw them away. ]

So i guess it's time to revisit that make something out of this loo roll i just picked up, and i just felt like making something of it!

No.1 is simply based on the form of the hollow cylinder. And why not extended it!

It's a combination of being/was an architecture student, recycling and fantasy/Scifi.

So that's doing sketch models smashed with- using rubbish smashed with- influences of [ Gundam ] / [ Matrix ] / [ Howl's Moving Castle ]. And wasn't planned at all. I like doing things with dreaming and thinking.

[ Imagination ] + [ Sketch modelling ]